Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

Learn words with a grammatical association together.

Here are some groups of words, each of which has a grammatical connection. Can you see what the connection is? What other words could you add to these groups?
  • child tooth ox
  • cut split burst
  • information furniture food

4 komentar:

tutor blog supriyadi mengatakan...

Iam supriyadi.
I didn;t understand your materials could you explain me?????

All about English mengatakan...

Hi eminem...
for me it is quite difficult to understand you material. Why you put it into your blog??
Maybe you have to explain about it more clearly in order to the reader could understand about it.
Grammar is quite difficult and complicated to learned, so your job is make that material become more creative, fun and interesting...
Don't forget to send me your comment yup! (imtinanika.blogspot.com)

Nurasiah Hilmi mengatakan...

I agree with other commentators that your material is quite difficult..You should make it simple and clear. So the readers will understand what your material is..
Please visit my tutor blog and give a comment....OK!

media bogor mengatakan...

Thanks for your comments my friends, I will give the easier material in my blog, thank you....